Create your Customer Personas
Download our Worksheets to Start.

First things first.

Understand and document who you are talking to in your marketing efforts. Create the Persona documents you need and share with your whole team.

Download the Worksheet

Download our Worksheets Below


Create Customer Personas Using our Worksheets

This free download includes:

  • 3 worksheets for defining your three top customer personas
  • Section to include demographics of your persona
  • The main questions you'd want to ask yourself about your personas & include the answers in your document
    • Awareness (Top-of-Funnel)
    • Consideration (Middle-of-Funnel)
    • Decision (Bottom-of-Funnel)The questions each persona asks at each stage of their customer journey including:

These worksheets will provide you a kickstart to mapping content creation to your personas.

Customer personas are a difficult yet core task in your marketing. Every marketing and even sales piece has to be targeted and speaking to one or more of these personas. If you don't know who you are talking to, what you say or offer won't be effective. Create customer personas and the relevant documents using the downloadable worksheets on this page.


Clarify who you are marketing to and why they will benefit from you.

Create your buyer personas to understand your target customers on a deeper level and ensure everyone on your team knows how to best target, support, and work with your customers. This will help you improve reach, boost conversions, and increase loyalty. 

And if you're a HubSpot customer, add your persona to your Hubspot Marketing Hub to segment and understand your visitors, leads and customers on a deeper level.

This worksheet template is available in both Excel and Google Sheets. Just fill out the form for access.